About Us

What is Oaks Ministry Collaborative?

Oaks exists to equip local churches to be a rehabilitative and resilient community for people in the healing process. What this looks like in practice: 
  • Equip people to engage with their own healing process with God.
  • Prepare and provide pathways for rehabilitative relationships within local churches through ministry structure, practices, advocates (one-on-one) and support groups.
  • Equip the church with biblical clarity on psychological knowledge through training and content through podcast, website, and events.
  • Cultivate collaboration and unity between churches of different denominations and the healing professions in the community.

Our Team


Jill Reasa

Founder & Director of Oaks Ministry Collaborative
Contact: oaks@highpointchurch.org

Nic Gibson

Co-Founder and Supervisor of Oaks Ministry Collaborative & Lead Pastor of High Point Church in Madison, WI
Contact: info@highpointchurch.org


We have about 55 people in Oaks Ministry Collaborative's volunteer network. Here are some of the volunteers who went through our training cohort!